Training for the team of the National Museum of Dar es Salaam.
National Museum and House of Culture, city center of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
The training-workshop took place in March 2015 from 8 :00am to 12: 30am:
On Tuesday the 24th
On Thursday the 26th
On Monday the 30th
Agenda Day 1
Self-introductions, aims and expectations
Refresh: contemporary art
Basics of art’s philosophy and psychology (Aesthetic and keys of rationalization)
Basics of art’s sociology (rejects of contemporary art)
Introduction to the mediation of art (good spectator)
Day 2
Reflexion: definition of curating
Remind: History of curating
Basics: ethic and deontology of curating
Introduction to the rules of the art’s market
Beginning of the practical exercise on the organization of a real event ‘The children festival’.
Day 3
Practical exercise on the organization of a real event ‘The children festival’.
External and internal communication
Recommendations out of the practical workshop and collective thinking:
necessity to create links between the different actors of the cultural scene in Dar es Salaam
continue and enhance the discussions about the market rules of art in Tanzania
try to create facilities for the other cultural actors who would like to produce events in the Museum
try to limit the proceedings for the team members who would like to develop the creation of new punctual projects and events in the Museum
create a database for the public but also an advisory council on the events
propose readymade and self sufficient projects to the management
cooperate and work in team, working platform
create personal objectives in the day to day work